
Showing posts from July, 2019

P1 Task 5 - Distribution

The distribution channel that we will be using for our short film is social media networks. The reason for this choice is because social media shares a similar main demographic to the target audience of our short movie. An example of a social media platform that could be used to advertise a short movie on is Snapchat. There are 190 million active users daily on Snapchat with 37% of users being 18-24 years old. These statistics show that Snapchat would be an effective means of below the line advertising since by knowing Snapchat's main demographic, as an advertiser it is possible to cater advertisements to this demographic. In the case of our short movie by knowing that Snapchat's main demographic is the same as our movies target audience, by advertising on this platform we could reach a large number of our target audience by targeting them specifically.