Digital Methods of Advertising

Digital Methods of Advertising

1a) A media product is the actual material assigned to broadcasting or to print depending on what type of media it is.
b) Media sectors are basically the main different types of media, the main ones being TV, Radio, Film, Print.
c) Media producers coordinate and manage the creation of content for digital formats.
d) Media consumers are basically just the general public, the people that watch, listen or read the media that has been created.

2) Web 2.0 is the second stage of development for the internet characterised especially by the growth of social media. Media 2.0 was originally an idea by Darcy DiNucci in 1999 and then later made popular by Tim O'Reilly several years later. This change in the internet had an absolutely massive effect on the internet and changed the way the internet was. This was when social media began to rise and people started using social media more and more until we got to the stage we are at now where our lives literally revolve around social media.

3) Web 2.0 completely changed advertising since people realised that social media was where many people were now rather than watching TV or listening to the radio. This lead to an increase in the amount of people advertising on social media. As well as this social media generally has a much more specific audience of younger people who are easy to persuade and have money to spend.

4) Social media is an example of below the line advertising since it generally younger people who use social media which means that adverts can be more tailored towards them. As well as this through the use of cookies social media sights can use your data and history to recommend adverts that they think you would be more appealing to you. Also some social media platforms such as Instagram let you conduct surveys to find ads that are more suited to you.

5) On Amazon you will often see ads that are related to things you have been searching for, this is because through the use of cookies they will recommend you ads based of the things you have been watching or searching for. This also happens on other web-based companies.


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