What Media do I Consume
Here is a normal daily routine of the media I consume on a normal day in the holidays:
9:00 AM- I wake up and immediately check my phone for emails, refresh my Instagram and go on Snapchat.
9:30 AM- Usually at this point I will go downstairs and make myself breakfast, if i am cooking I usually put on some music through Spotify whilst doing so. Then whilst eating breakfast I will usually watch a YouTube video of some kind.
All Day- Throughout the entire day I am constantly on my phone usually on Snapchat on my phone and then if I am staying in I will watch Youtube throughout the day, Usually Vlogs or documentaries of some kind.
1:00 PM- Usually around this time I go to the gym where I am constantly listening to music through Spotify. Also on the way to the gym I see quite a few sources of print media, whether it be posters on a lamppost or billboards on buses usually I consume some kind of print media.
3:00 PM- Normally after gym I will play on my PS4 for a couple of hours.
9:25 PM- At this time I will usually watch something on TV through Amazon Prime or if X factor is on I will watch that with my family.
11:00- At about this time I watch Netflix in my room until about half 12 and then go bed and repeat my day.
I do pay for my Spotify so I can listen to music offline and without adverts. This payment is done through a monthly subscription which is automatically charged to my account every month unless I cancel it. When it comes to Snapchat the actual application is free however in order to get it you need to have some kind of device which is paid for. Netflix is completely exclusive to people who pay the monthly subscription for it. Youtube is a free application however there is an option to upgrade to premium but I don't do that. My parents pay an annual fee called a TV licence in order to legally watch normal television. For all of these things I do not have to leave my house to get them since they are all online and can be done from home. The media that I consume that can involve me leaving the house to buy is if I buy a new video game however I often buy games through the PlayStation store which then doesn't involve me leaving my house. The only other source of media that involves me leaving the house is print media which I don't see unless I go outside.
In order to consume all of these products accept watching normal television you need an internet connection through something like a laptop, smart Tv or mobile. The way I consume my media is mostly through my phone however I use my PS4 to watch Netflix and play video games.
In conclusion I can gather that most media is distributed through the use of the internet, in my opinion print media is a dying media, it is on a much smaller scale than other media and is also usually an example of above the line advertising. The internet is growing massively very day and is only going to get better.
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